Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's nice to have internet access

Hey everyone! I'm currently in Portland, OR. It's cloudy and cool and I absolutely love it. It doesn't feel at all like a city though. It is seriously lacking skyscrapers and a large body of water [rivers don't count]. I guess that's how I define a big city. I need a skyline. Anyways, I'm just popping in because I have internet access and to say that once I start things up again on the 29th, you might be a little confused. You'll ask, "Where are the comics? Where are the articles? What are these pictures of some weird little bear thing?" Well, here's the deal. I brought my bff Toby [he's a stuffed ewok I got at Disneyland over the summer] with me to Oregon. I'm photo-documenting his trip out here (1) because it's way easier to take pictures of him than of me and (2) he's super adorable and can model through anything! So starting September 29th I'll be posting the photo documentary in segments until we wind up at move-in day in Eugene. By that time I should be nice and settled and ready to get back to work on my comics and diligent news searches! Until then.

Love from the land of rain and granola,

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