rah-ful-mao BD

Alright. A.B.S.R.D. is going to be a bit massive today because I didn't get around to making that weekend post I said I'd do. So to make it a little more organized, it's going to be separated into two sections: (1) All 'Bout Silly Republicans Day and (2) All 'Bout Stuff not concerning Republicans Day.
A.B.S.R.D. - The Sarah Palin Edition.
- When John McCain announced that Palin would be his running mate, my first reactions were "Who the hell is Sarah Palin??" and "The only reason he picked her is because she's a woman." I believe Joe Conason put it perfectly when he said that "Palin is the epitome of tokenism... she possesses the only two qualities that McCain now seems to consider essential: She is a right-wing religious ideologue with female gender characteristics." [@salon]
- For McCain to think he can gain the women vote just because of Palin is a complete and utter joke. I cannot express how infuriating this is for me. "How insulting, how condescending, how downright patronizing of Senator McCain to attempt such ham-fisted identity politics." Sarah Palin will not attract the votes of Hillary supporters and to think otherwise is simply foolish. [@the new republic]
- Another issue concerning Palin is her experience -or rather lack there of. As mayor of Wasilla, AK [pop. 5000+ in 1996] Palin was injecting major politcal issues and partisanship into a small-town local government. During the race, she was ruthless and beyond aggressive towards her opponent and anyone else who disagreed with her; a mindset that continued throughout her time in office. This is almost as bad as internet fights. Someone really should've told her to take a chill pill cuz that's what they said in the 90s. Then again, that may be a bit of a generalization of the decade. [@time]
- "What does a VP do anyway?" Well, for starters, a vice president is second in command. Americans need to be confident that the veep will be able to run this country if the president is unable to fulfill his or her duties. In this day and age, that person needs to be able to handle not only national issues but foreign relations as well. We see Joe Biden with 36 years of experience in both of those arenas whereas Sarah Palin has limited experience in state politics. But then again, she's from Alaska which is right by Russia so obvs she has international experience.. ? [@youtube; @the new republic; @youtube]
- While in my opinion, family matters are private and have no right to be exploited, I did find the news of Palin's 17 year old daughter's pregnancy lol-worthy. Of course she'll be marrying the father à la Jamie Lynn Spears. [@bbc]
- Let's not forget that there's is another name on the ballot in November - John McCain. In the beginning, there were a lot of center/center-left people who didn't have a big problem with McCain, he was a respectable guy. However, with the election only a few months away, John McCain has become a joke who's running "the most sarcastic presidential campaign ever." [@the new republic]
- And finally, it's time we address the Republican National Convention taking place in St. Paul, Minnesota. Honestly? The first day was pretty uneventful. Well, with the exception of the baby bomb. [@newsweek; @time]
A.B.S.R.D. - The Rest of the World Edition.
- Google's launching a new web browser called Google Chrome today! It seems pretty cool. I'll probably end up downloading it some time today to check it out. I'll let you know how it goes. [@bbc]
- We, as a country, expect so much of our president. We expect inspiration, leadership, and an answer to every problem that arises. Our view of the presidency has changed greatly over the past 200+ years; from simply upholding democracy and the Constitution to embodying and protecting the soul of our nation.[@csmonitor]
- With high gas prices and global warming, people everywhere are looking for better alternatives for transportation. [Re-]Introduce the electric car. Past models haven't really been all that we want or "need" them to be. Batteries drain fast and there isn't much power or speed involved. We're already working on the power/speed problem but what about the batteries? Shai Agassi seems to have found a pretty good answer. [@the new republic]
- Chris Jordan is quickly becoming an awesome person in my book. He's an artist who specializes in "giant photo collages." They aren't your typical collage though. They give you a visual idea of the [environmental] statistical data of our over consumption of products. You can look at his work here. [@the new republic; @chrisjordan.com]
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