rah-ful-mao BD

A.B.S.R.D. [my number one feeling is Absurd aBsurd abSurd absuRd absurD]
- Oooh did you see, did you see? Gov. Sarah Palin had her very first teevee interview last night since McCain announced her VP! It was on ABC with Charlie Gibson. She danced circles around those questions! At one point I literally stood up and walked away laughing and shaking my head at the absurdity of it all [after I paused of course]. "I get lost in a blizzard of words there... Was that a yes?" Oh Charlie, you slay me! I can't wait to see her interview with Sean Hannity. I wonder if I'll be able to sit through its entirety.. [@time; @latimes; @the new republic; @youtube]
- Oil company conspiracy theorists everywhere were having [and probs still are] a field day when it was announced that US officials are under investigation for accepting bribes from oil companies. Hearing about corruption in Washington always makes me think of that one Simpsons episode ["Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington"] where Lisa talks about how the capitol was built on a swamp. Sidenote: why aren't there any clips of this on youtube?? [@time]
- I think more republicans should become Obamacans. [@salon]
- Reading about Fermilab and the amazing things that go on there make me feel bad for being one of the few people my age living in the Chicago suburbs to have never visited. If they end up proving there are other dimensions, I'll feel even worse. [@scientific american]
- I don't care if dinosaurs survived so long because of luck! If anything, that just makes them even more epic and awesome. Clearly, scientists have never read Ryan North's Dinosaur Comics. If they had, none of this would even matter. [@scientific american; @qwantz]
- So.. If the gay men have significant neurological similarities to straight women and lesbians have significant neurological similarities to straight men, then what about bisexual men and women? Riddle me that Jerome Goldstein/Ivanka Savic. [@salon]
- Oooh did you see, did you see? Gov. Sarah Palin had her very first teevee interview last night since McCain announced her VP! It was on ABC with Charlie Gibson. She danced circles around those questions! At one point I literally stood up and walked away laughing and shaking my head at the absurdity of it all [after I paused of course]. "I get lost in a blizzard of words there... Was that a yes?" Oh Charlie, you slay me! I can't wait to see her interview with Sean Hannity. I wonder if I'll be able to sit through its entirety.. [@time; @latimes; @the new republic; @youtube]
- Oil company conspiracy theorists everywhere were having [and probs still are] a field day when it was announced that US officials are under investigation for accepting bribes from oil companies. Hearing about corruption in Washington always makes me think of that one Simpsons episode ["Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington"] where Lisa talks about how the capitol was built on a swamp. Sidenote: why aren't there any clips of this on youtube?? [@time]
- I think more republicans should become Obamacans. [@salon]
- Reading about Fermilab and the amazing things that go on there make me feel bad for being one of the few people my age living in the Chicago suburbs to have never visited. If they end up proving there are other dimensions, I'll feel even worse. [@scientific american]
- I don't care if dinosaurs survived so long because of luck! If anything, that just makes them even more epic and awesome. Clearly, scientists have never read Ryan North's Dinosaur Comics. If they had, none of this would even matter. [@scientific american; @qwantz]
- So.. If the gay men have significant neurological similarities to straight women and lesbians have significant neurological similarities to straight men, then what about bisexual men and women? Riddle me that Jerome Goldstein/Ivanka Savic. [@salon]
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