rah-ful-mao BD

If you didn't notice, I had a post this weekend. It's going to be a weekly post that I do on either Saturday or Sunday [depending on when I have the time]. Clearly, it lacks any substance but I'm okay with that. The point of "Music Note" is to introduce you to songs that I enjoy that you may or may not know. I'm trying to expand your music knowledge in a brief note! [See what I did there? That's what I do.]
A.B.S.R.D. [A Bright and Shiny Reading Day]
- I'd want to be a firefighter just so I could play with the FIT-5. [@scientific american]
- Ok, when I first saw the video, I thought for sure that this frog is one of those that gets filmed all the time and that people like my dad have as the background on their phones. BUT what do I know? I'm not Andrew Gray and I'm not the one filming the Red-Eye Stream Frog of Costa Rica for the very first time. [@bbc]
- I'm having a major "Well, DUH" moment with BBC right now. "Beatles' tunes aid memory recall." Well, DUH. How 'bout music in general aides memory recall? Ryan North is already way ahead of you guys. [@bbc; @qwantz]
- US Open Update: Andy Murray BEAT NADAL?!!? He'll be facing my love Roger Federer today. Also, Serena Williams won the US Open title yesterday playing against the Serbian I don't really care about, Jelena Jankovic. [@nytimes; @bbc]
- NFL Update: I watch football because I'm from Chicago and it's in my blood. So of course I was thrilled last night when Da Bears beat the Colts in a Super Bowl XXXXI rematch. But speaking of teams who lost in the Super Bowl, it looks like Tom Brady of the New England Patriots will be out for the season due to a left knee injury yesterday in the game against the Kansas City Chiefs. [@msnbc; @salon]
- The McCain campaign is finally letting Gov. Sarah Palin do an interview! It's going to air on ABC sometime later this week. Obvs, I can't wait and will be watching it while taking diligent mental notes. Personally, I think it would be more entertaining if they let MSNBC interview her but I'm not gonna complain. [@msnbc]
- Since we're on the subject of MSNBC, Rachel Maddow's show premieres tonight. I'll try my best to watch it cuz I heart Rachel Maddow and I think it will be great. It'd be really nice if I could figure out what MSNBC's HD channel is though.. Also, lol at the first sentence of the article. [@time]
- Lance Armstrong is pulling a Brett Favre [without the difficulty and stupidity that surrounded that drama]. The 7-time Tour de France champ will be coming out of retirement and racing next year. [@msnbc]
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