rah-ful-mao BD

A.B.S.R.D. [Afternoon Bundle of Some Reading I Did]
- Don't get me wrong, I have a great amount of respect for what Michael Phelps did at the Olympics but what Usain Bolt is doing absolutely INCREDIBLE. I realize I have a huge bias when it comes to swimming vs track, but you have to admit that it is much more difficult to break track records than swimming records. Just look at the stats: 25 swimming WRs were broken at the Olympics alone compared to the 7 track WRs broken all year. [@time]
- "'I don't want to go to school,' Bolduc told his parents, the crushing reality of his situation having yet to fully dawn on his naïve consciousness. 'I want to play outside with my friends.'" Me too, Connor, me too.. [@theonion]
- All I know is that I never want to become nostalgic about $4/gal for gas. I also know that conspiracy theories are interesting. Are oil prices rigged? You tell me.
That's cool you draw those comics! They are quite good!
I agree about the Olympics. Usain Bolt is absolutely insane. He wins so easily and it always looks like he lets up at the end too. How is he so fast??
Gas prices suck. In Oregon, it was like $4.50 a gallon a month or so ago. It's finally starting to come down a bit now. *knock on wood*....still way too much though.
ahren: Thanks! Daily comics are really starting to grow on me so I'm hoping I can keep thinking up fresh ideas so I can have a comic for every post. re: Usain Bolt - I just can't understand him. He's really pushing the limits of the human body and it's amazing to watch. As for gas prices, $4.50 is insane! We've finally dipped under $4 here in Illinois within in the last week or two [at least in the suburbs, Chicago is an entirely different story].
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