rah-ful-mao BD

OK. So. I feel this comic, coupled with the title, needs a bit of explaining. The use of "sorry about your dress" originates from a FAIL picture floating around the interwebs. Though it has yet to hit mainstream vocab, this little gem is rising in popularity [granted, rising in popularity strictly amongst my friends..] so I figured I should share with all of you. When do you use it? Well, besides after anyone [including yourself] says "too late", it can pretty much be used in any sort of awkward situation or when someone say "too [insert word here]". Don't believe me? Just try it out. It'll be a big success! I all but guarantee it. =]
A.B.S.R.D. [A Bit of Stellar Reads and Delights]
- I can use cows as compasses? Great! Now I don't have to shell out $500 on that GPS system. [@scientific american]
- This may be the most innovative camera design I've ever seen. Sure, it's not the most sophisticated camera, but that's not the point. Finally, children are able to truly capture the world around them. [@TED]
- U.S. Open update: I was NOT expecting to see this kind of play from Nadal. Where's the complete domination we're so used to? And James Blake? Oh James Blake.. [@bbc]
- Government enforced discrimination sickens me. I find it appaling that the people of Arkansas voted to get this on the ballot. [@time]
- The more I read about Joe Biden, the more comfortable I feel voting for him. I'm intrigued by this whole clean coal idea. [@scientific american]
- Anyone interested in trekking across the South Pole? These guys are looking for a last crew memeber! [@bbc]
- I'm really starting to like NPR's This I Believe. Here's an essay from the VP at Nike, Howard White, speaking about "The Power of 'Hello'" [@npr]
- I feel like such a nerd but I think this is really cool. Holla at Nobel Prize winning physicists! [@cosmic variance]
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