rah-ful-mao BD

A.B.S.R.D. [A Better Solution to Rainy Days]
- US Open Update: I'll admit I'm not a *huge* fan of Jelena Jankovic [Hello, I have two other Serbians to la-la-love] but I'd expect better game play from her. Way to pull an Ivanovic? It also seems as though Novak "The Joke[r]" Djokovic is doing well [as was expected] despite being treated for an injury during his match against Arnaud Clement. Why am I talking about the Serbians I don't cheer for? Where's Ana Ivanovic? Better yet, where's Janko Tipsarevic??! [@bbc]
- Highlights from Day Three of the DNC: Barack Obama officially wins the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Joe Biden accepts the VP nomination, and Former President Bill Clinton speaks to further unify the party and support Obama's presidential campaign. [@wall street journal]
- "Don't just do something, sit there." An interesting piece on the importance/power of noticing. [@aiga]
- They better put my wisdom teeth to good use once I get them pulled if they have to ability to produce stem cells without the controversy. [@national geographic]
- I.. um, wow. A movie about facebook? Really Aaron Sorkin, really? [@bbc]
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